SOUS User Guide

SOUS User Guide

Welcome to SOUS, your go-to software for your personal chef business.

This guide will walk you through the process of setting up and using SOUS to organize your contacts & events efficiently.

Getting Started

Before you begin, make sure you have an internet-connected device and a compatible web browser.

Login & Let's get started!


In SOUS, the configurations are classified into 3 sections as listed below.

Personal Profile Settings

Setting up your personal profile in SOUS includes adding your name, phone number, profile picture and timezone in SOUS.

Business Profile Settings

This article provides information on how to configure your business profile in SOUS & this includes the following:
  1. Adding your Business Information
  2. Setting up your Team
  3. Setting up your Products/Services
  4. Configuring your Invoice Policy
  5. Opening a Merchant Account with Nuvei


The Connected Apps section within the SOUS serves as a critical component of the initial configuration process. Within this section, we provide step-by-step instructions for performing three essential SOUS integrations.

These primary integrations are outlined below:
  1. Email Connectivity

    Configuring email connectivity within SOUS enables you to seamlessly send menus and invoices to your clients.
    SOUS offers email connectivity options for commonly used and top-tier email service providers such as GMAIL, Yahoo, Outlook etc. 

    You will find dedicated tiles for each of these providers on the "Connected Apps" page. Additionally, for email service providers like Zoho Mail, Proton Mail, and others not listed, there is a designated "Other Email" tile.

    Each tile is hyperlinked to a knowledge article providing instructions on how to configure the respective email service.

    The following list of email service providers is linked with our comprehensive knowledge articles detailing the configuration process.

    Simply click on the respective email service provider to initiate the configuration:
    Other Email

  2. Installing your Inquiry Form

    This Integration ensures that inquiries received through your website seamlessly appear in your SOUS account as "New Inquiries" and automatically creates the contact & details.

    To enable this functionality, kindly click the below link for instructions on installing your custom form into your website to capture those inquiries directly within SOUS.

    Click here for Installation Instructions.

  3. Calendar Integration

    As you may be aware, SOUS features an integrated calendar that displays your current and past appointments.

    Nevertheless, we understand that it would be more convenient for users to access their upcoming events through the calendar platforms they commonly use, such as Google Calendar, Outlook, etc.

    To facilitate this, SOUS offers the capability to synchronize your SOUS calendar with these external calendars using a dedicated 'Shared Calendar' URL available within the SOUS application.

    Click here for step-by-step guidance on connecting your SOUS calendar to other calendar services.



You're not only provided high-level visibility into your account and business, you have a clear place to get started. Our #1 goal is to help you and your business succeed, so we provide guidance and actionable Business Insights PLUS other ways to explore our Chefpreneur Community and offerings, right from your Dashboard.

Clients (CRM)

The Contacts or Client Relationship Management (CRM) Database allows you to record all the data that will help you maintain a positive, productive relationship with your leads and clients and helps you provide them with the best experience possible. 
Click the "+icon to create a client and start capturing useful data about your new lead or client while talking to them.
The same can be achieved by clicking the "+ Add" button at the top right corner of screen. This Add button allows you to create a contact from any screen within SOUS.

To update an existing client, simply click the 3 horizontal dots (ellipsis) next to the name and select Modify or Details (for a comprehensive view) and to delete a client, choose Delete from the sub-menu.

Importing & Exporting clients is easy. Click the 3 vertical dots and select Import to pull in 10's or 100's of clients using a CSV file export from another CRM database provider. Click Export to download client information from SOUS. 

Client Details
To access client information, simply click on their name or the three horizontal dots (ellipsis) located next to the name in Clients page and choose the "Details" option.

This action will direct you to the "Client Details" page, where you can find a wealth of client-related data and details in multiple tabs Client Info, Event History, Transaction History, Appointments & Notifications

Client Info
Click the "+" button to add a New Event or New Appointment in clients name. 
View or Edit your clients information and optionally Add Alternate Contacts (executive assistants, event planners, etc). Make sure to click "Save" to store your changes. 

Event History
This section provides information of all past and ongoing events with a particular client.

Transaction History
Provides information of all the transactions for the particular client along with option to view the invoices.

Provides details of all past and ongoing consultation call events for the particular client.

Provides information of all notifications like menu card approval, invoice payment done by particular client.

Events/Event Tracker

The event tracker serves as an ideal companion, presenting a comprehensive list of events and inquiries within your SOUS account. Simply click on the horizontal ellipsis to exert greater control over an event. This includes accessing additional details, sending event information to clients and team members, canceling events, skipping the current stage, and marking events as "Not Booked" or "Cancelled," among other options.

SOUS additionally provides great feature for searching and filtering events.

Event Search
The search functionality in SOUS assists users in finding a client or event. In the following example, entering "birthday" yields a list of all events which has with "birthday in event name."

You can also search for a client's name, which will display all events associated with that specific client. Click the magnifying glass icon to start the search and click x to cancel.

Event Filters
The Event tracker provides a diverse range of filtering options to help SOUS users identify the necessary steps for progressing to the next stage in a particular event.

There are 3 types of filters
Stage Filter
This filter shows all events and inquiries using tiles for 6 different stages (Excluding Total).

  1. Consultation: Shows all new inquiries where a consultation call needs to be scheduled.
  2. Send Menu: Displays all events where a menu needs to be sent to the client.
    1. Send Menu - Pending: Shows all events where a menu is sent but the client hasn't approved it yet.
  3. Request Deposit: Highlights all events where the deposit amount needs to be requested, and an invoice needs to be sent.
    1.  Request Deposit - Pending: Lists all events where the deposit invoice is sent, but the client has not yet paid the amount.
  4. Scheduled: Essentially shows all events that are scheduled.
  5. Final Payment: Displays all events where the final amount needs to be requested, and an invoice needs to be sent.
    1. Final PaymentPending: Lists all events where the final payment invoice is sent, but the client has not yet paid the amount.
  6. Get Review: Displays all events where the final payment is made; users can reach out to their clients for feedback. In the future, we will update this with an email feature so that you can send out feedback emails within SOUS.
  7. Total: Reveals the total number of events. Please note that this doesn't include New inquiries.
Clicking on each tile, lists events for that particular stage. 
Example  :
Clicking on the "Send Menu" tile displays all events where a menu needs to be sent to a client or a list of clients.

Within the "Send Menu" tile, you'll find a "Pending" option. Clicking on it will show all events where a menu has been sent but is awaiting approval from the client. The "Pending" button is applicable to "Send Menu," "Request Deposit," and "Final Payment," indicating that the client needs to either approve the menu or make the necessary payment for the deposit or final payment.

More Filters

In addition to stage filters, SOUS provides supplementary filters to assist users in monitoring events that are marked as Not Booked, Cancelled, and Past Due (events with payments overdue).

Filter By Date
The Date Filter proves valuable for SOUS users by enabling them to find an event based on a specific date or a range of events within a designated date period, such as from the first day to the end of the month.

Creating / Adding an Event
In the Event Tracker, press the + Add Event button to initiate event creation. Provide a title, input the necessary details, and select Save to generate the event.

Event Details
SOUS is designed in such a way that its workflow begins from Consultation call and ends with receivng final payment for your delivered services. This is showcased through a progression system at the top which keeps the SOUS users informed about the next action required for the event to advance to the next stage. Use the Skip Step to skip these stages.

The Event Details screen enhances organizational efficiency by presenting comprehensive information, including the number of guests, event type, menu service style and type, allergies, and grocery details, ensuring a well-organized experience.  Here we have multiple tabs like Consultation, Event, Menus & Team. 

This is for all events which started off with a Consultation Call. For those manually entered events, this page will have no data. 

Example: Event started with a Consultation call.

Example: Manually entered event with no consultation call data.

In this page, you basically add all information about the event you gathered from the consultation call like what the event is for, date & time of event, expected amount of Guests etc. 
From this screen, you also have the option to either cancel the event or mark it as completed by selecting the "Cancel Event" or "Mark Completed" buttons.

This page allows SOUS users to upload and send Menu to clents. 
To upload a menu file, Drag & Drop or click Browse to locate your menu file. 

Click Upload

Once the menu file is uploaded, SOUS offers varous features like renaming the file, Previewing the file, Sending the file to your clients,Deleting, Downloading and Approving the file. 

Click the Pencil Icon to rename the Menu file.

Click the 3 vertical dots for additioinal options like file Menu Preview, Deletion of uploaded file, Approving the menu etc.
Approve or Mark Approved are used to approve the Menu without client intervention.  This is useful when the client is already aware of your Menu and is happy to go with it.

To send the file, Select the checkbox and click Send to share the menu file with your client using a customized email template that includes an Approval button for an easy client experience.

This page allows you to share the event details with your team members.
Select the team member and click Send Invite to send a customized email template to your team about the event after updating their join time.

Action Center
This is where you create and manage your invoice.  Action center also shows the status of the event, the amount due, &  invoice details like Invoice Number, Invoice date, Total Amount etc.

Activity Log
Provides brief information of important actions for the particular event.

Fore more information, Click See More to open a new page or tab called "Activity Log" with more details.

Invoice History
Provides invoice & transaction related information for the particular event.

Like Activity log, to view more Information, Click See More

Type in any custom notes & click + Add to save it. 

SOUS Calendar

See and Edit the details of every Event, Appointment, and Task at any moment. Click an entry in your calendar to see the quick-view of your event.  You can also connect and sync the calendar in SOUS to external calendars such as Google, Outlook, Apple, etc.

Schedule Events, Tasks, and Appointments
Click on the 3 vertical dots for More Options to create a Task or schedule Events and Appointments


SOUS provides a streamlined invoicing process for effortless management. Begin by navigating to the "Event Details" screen, where you can initiate the invoicing process by selecting "Send Invoice." This action will lead you to the Invoice Details page, were users can seamlessly add or modify products or services by interacting with the "Item" field.

Once you've finalized the invoice details, save the invoice and click "Send Invoice" to email the invoice to your client, utilizing a customized email template for easy online payment using Nuvei, our payment technology partner.

In case if the clients are using a different payment option like cash in hand, SOUS offers a Record Payment option.This is available in the Invoice Details screen, allowing users to record cash transactions quickly and easily.

Transaction History
This section in the Invoice Details page provides information of all transactions for the particular event. 

Discounting & Tip
SOUS also provides a Discount feature that allows you to offer discounts to your clients by percentage (%) or dollar amount ($). Additionally, you can request a "TIP" from your clients when generating the Final Invoice.


Deep dive into important in-depth concepts of the personal chef business and remove the limits of your earning potential.  With access to coaching, you’ll get more than information, you'll get transformation, so you can feel confident you’re getting your business and brand right.

Help Center

Our Help Center is built solely to assist and aid you in two important ways:

- Self-Service through the use of our growing Knowledge Center of FAQs, guides, tutorials, and videos that address common questions provides you the ability to find answers quickly and easily without the wait.
- Access to support options such as chat, email support, or submitting a ticket for assistance from a LIVE person.

SOUS Workflow


Is SOUS easy to use?

Yes! We know chefs care about ease, so we’ve built SOUS to be as user-friendly as possible.
Follow our in-app Helpful Onboarding to embed your custom inquiry form on your website, create your first event, invoice a client, and more.

Do I have to install anything?

No! We created SOUS so you wouldn't have to have a whole I.T. department to run your business! Just login, start clicking, and you can build your business.

What if I already use another CRM?

That’s great! Import your clients in minutes and instantly bring everything together in one place.

Are there any hidden fees?

NO! You have unlimited usage of all current features within SOUS. We don’t even require your credit card for the free trial!

What happens after my free trial ends?

If you decide to continue using SOUS, as a thanks for being a beta member, you will be able to continue your access for only $39/mo - That’s 64% OFF! OR unlock even greater savings (plus bonuses) with an annual membership.

How long are your contracts?

There are NO long term contracts or commitments. You can use SOUS month to month, and cancel at any time you'd like!

If I don't like SOUS, how do I cancel?

Simply login to your account, click on your profile and select My Subscription, then click "cancel subscription". No need to call, email, or talk to anyone!

If I cancel my SOUS account, will I lose my data?

As with most "Software-As-A-Service" platforms, when you cancel your account, your data will become inaccessible, but don't worry, before canceling you have the opportunity to download CSV files of your clients.

Who owns the data / information / clients?

You do! Any clients or event information is 100% owned by you.

SOUS & Chefpreneur doesn't have permission to use that information or contact your clients for any reason. SOUS is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR services!

Is my data safe?

YES! SOUS is built on Microsoft’s Azure platform and uses their world-class data protection, cybersecurity, storage, networking, and backup recovery services.
Azure also covers more than 100 compliance certifications with third-party audit reports.

Is there customer support?

Your success is our success! If you ever get stuck or have questions, our team is ready to help via email ( or chat support.