Transaction Fee & Refunds

Transaction Fee & Refunds

Fees and charges are very common with payment processors like Nuvei, RazorPay, Stripe etc.

Why these charges?
Banks and other payment networks like Visa, Mastercard etc charges these payment processors with fees for online transactions. These networks also set rules about which fees apply for refunded payments, and in many cases banks and card networks keep the entire upfront cost of a refunded transaction. Also, there are various security features like fraud protection etc, that runs in the backend in the event of an online transaction payment. These features ensure a safer payment experience. 
Please click here for more information.

Therefore, in order to handle these fundamental payment processing expenses and sustain the provision of services, Nuvei does not refund fees for refunded payments.

SOUS Payments offers pay-as-you-go pricing, based on payments you process. For more information, click here

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