How to Import Contacts Into SOUS From a CSV File

How to Import Contacts Into SOUS From a CSV File

If you were maintaining client information before subscribing to SOUS, you can import them all using a CSV file.

Before you begin

  1. The import tool only works with CSV files
  2. Each contact in your file must have a first name and email address
  3. Learn how to prepare your CSV import file and how to save your spreadsheet as a CSV file


  1. Select Clients from the left menu.

  2. Click the 3 dotted vertical ellipses and select Import .

  3. In the Import screen, click "Browse File".
  4. Navigate to the CSV file you wish to import and select it & click Next.
  5. Assign each field in your CSV file to the matching field in SOUS by  clicking the dropdown  for each field:

    You should see the first contact in your CSV file display under the Sample Data column. The Validation Status indicates the value is in the expected format (i.e. email addresses vs phone number)
  6. Scroll down and click Next after completing your desired fields.
  7. Review that the data appears correct and click Next.
  8. On the final screen click Import File.
If the Import File button is grayed out, it is likely one of the fields has not passed the validation test. Click Previous until you reach Step 2: Field Mapping and ensure all fields are properly selected and pass validation before continuing.

After importing the client data you may need to refresh the page to see them listed.

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